Causes Symptoms Countermeasures
Category 1 Category 2
Response common to all operations If a timeout has occurred Client failover timeout See “Problems related to client failover”.
If a connection failure has occurred Client failover timeout See “Problems related to client failover”.
Response common to all operations Failure caused by an object being invoked after it has been closed [Server]:
[Description] (Close-related error)
Implement the relevant operation before invoking the (container/resource) close process. Check the error message and respond accordingly.
If a non-conformance has occurred in a registered container [Server]: 60151
[Description] (A non-conformance has occurred in the container)
[Format] Partition ID, container name

Specified operation cannot be carried out. Check with support services.
A non-conforming status has been detected in the data in a specific container. Although service is continued, the container concerned cannot be updated subsequently. Search result may become invalid as well.
  [Server]: 10017
[Description] (Schema version of container is inconsistent)
[Format] Partition ID, container name, request schema version ID, current schema version ID
Get the container object again.
If the memory usage limit size is exceeded [Server]: 130033
[Description] (Memory upper limit exceeded)
[Format] Memory upper limit size
When raising the upper limit of the usable memory size,
add /dataStore/resultSetMemoryLimit or /transaction/totalMemoryLimit to the gs_node.json file, and make the value larger than the default value (*1).
If the memory size is exceeded during a search, the query can also be adjusted by restricting the number of hits so that the memory capacity used is reduced.
Failure to register container
If a container constraint violation occurred
[Error code]: 60015
[Description] (Container constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Container name size limit exceeded,
Column number limit exceeded,
Column name duplication error,
Row key specification error,
Row key data type support error,
Row key value constraint error,
Array data type support error,
Deadline release split value limit exceeded,
Error due to value lying outside deadline release range,
Configuration column limit exceeded in the thinning compression,
Affinity size limit exceeded,
Check the error message and correct the container data. See “Container control” under “Cluster operation control command interpreter (gs_sh)” in the “Operation control guide” for the container settings.
If a discrepancy has occurred in the schema of a registered container
[Error code]: 60149/60016
[Description] (Schema inconsistent with existing container)
[Format] Error description below
Discrepancy error in the row key definition,
Discrepancy error in the data type of identical column names,
Discrepancy error in all the column names,
Affinity value discrepancy error,
Discrepancy error in the deadline release setting,
Discrepancy error in the compression setting,
Check the error message and correct container data that are inconsistent. Container data can be checked by using the integrated operation control GUI (gs_admin) or the "showcontainer" command of "gs_sh".
Failure to change schema of container
If a container constraint violation occurred
[Error code]: 60015
[Description] (Container constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Container name size limit exceeded,
Column number limit exceeded,
Column name duplication error,
Row key specification error,
Row key data type support error,
Row key value constraint error,
Array data type support error,
Deadline release split value limit exceeded,
Error due to value lying outside deadline release range,
Configuration column limit exceeded in the thinning compression,
Affinity size limit exceeded,
Check the error message and correct the container data. See “Container control” under “Cluster operation control command interpreter (gs_sh)” in the “Operation control guide” for the container settings.
If a constraint violation of the schema to change with a registered container occurred
[Server]: 60149
[Description] (Container constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Discrepancy error in the row key definition,
Discrepancy error in the data type of identical column names,
Discrepancy error in all the column names,
Affinity value discrepancy error,
Discrepancy error in the deadline release setting,
Discrepancy error in the compression setting,
Check the error message and correct container data that are inconsistent. Container data can be checked by using the integrated operation control GUI (gs_admin) or the "showcontainer" command of "gs_sh".
If the parameter to permit the schema to be changed has not been set up [Server]: 60016
[Description] (No schema change permit)
Change in column layout of existing container is not permitted. To permit a change in the column layout, set the "modifiable" parameter to true.
Failure to get container
If different container types with the same name exist [Server]: 60026
[Description] (Container type is inconsistent)
Check if there are any mistakes in the container type of the specified container.
If the specified data type is not appropriate [Server]: 140023/145023
[Description] Failure caused by the specified data type not matching the existing column layout.
If the specified data type is not suitable as the data type of the row object
Check if there are any mistakes in the specified column layout. Column data can be checked by using the integrated operation control GUI (gs_admin) or the "showcontainer" command of "gs_sh".
Failure to delete container
If different container types with the same name exist [Server]: 60026
[Description] (Container type is inconsistent)
Check if there are any mistakes in the container type of the specified container.
Failure to register index
If a column with the corresponding name does not exist [Server]: 140008/145008
[Description] (Unknown column name)
Check if there are any mistakes in the specified column name. Column data can be checked by using the integrated operation control GUI (gs_admin) or the "showcontainer" command of "gs_sh".
If an unsupported column type is specified in the index settings [Server]: 1007
[Description] (Not supported)
Check if there are any mistakes in the specified column (column type). See “API list (Java)”, “createIndex” in the “API reference” for details about the index
Failure to delete index
If a column with the corresponding name does not exist [Server]: 140008/145008
(Unknown column name)
Check if there are any errors in the column name. Column data can be checked by using the integrated operation control GUI (gs_admin) or the "showcontainer" command of "gs_sh".
Failure to register trigger
If a trigger constraint violation occurred
[Server]: 140001/145001/170003/10040
[Description] (Trigger constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
If the trigger name is null or blank
If the update operation subject to monitoring is not specified
If the notification destination URI does not conform to the stipulated syntax
If the JMS is specified by the trigger type, and the JMS destination type is null, or is blank, or does not conform to the specified format
If the JMS is specified by the trigger type, and the JMS destination name is null, or is blank
If this process times out, this container is deleted, a connection failure were to occur, or if it is invoked after being closed
Check the error message and correct the trigger data. See “Trigger function” in the “API reference” for details about the trigger function.
If the upper limit of the trigger is exceeded
[Server]: 1008
[Description] (Trigger upper limit violation)
[Format] Error description below
Limit value of trigger name exceeded
Prohibited characters in the trigger name
Limit value of URI length exceeded
Limit value of the number of trigger registrations exceeded
Check the error message and correct the trigger data. See “API list (Java)”, “createTrigger” in the “API reference” for details about the trigger function.
Failure to delete trigger
None except common causes    
Failure to register or update row
If a key is specified even though no column corresponding to the row key exists [Server]: 140024/145024
[Description] (Key cannot be found)
Specified row key does not exist. Check the setting.
If there is a constraint violation in a column value [Server]: 60079
[Description] (Column constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Array length limit exceeded,
Limit of variable length data type such as string, space, BLOB, etc. exceeded
Time value outside of support range,
Check the error message and correct the column value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for details on the column value.
Failure to register or update rows all together
If the specified container does not exist [Server]: 10016
[Description] (Container cannot be found)
Specified container does not exist. Check the container name.
If the specified data type is not appropriate
[Server]: 60015
[Description] Failure caused by the specified data type of the row not matching the existing column layout.
If the specified data type of the row is not suitable as the data type of the row object
Check the column data and change it to a suitable column layout (column type).
If there is a constraint violation in a column value [Server]: 60079
[Description] (Column constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Array length limit exceeded,
Limit of variable length data type such as string, space, BLOB, etc. exceeded
Time value outside of support range,
Check the error message and correct the column value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for details on the column value.
Failure to update row via a RowSet
If row does not exist at target position [Server]: 140037/145037
[Description] (Specified destination of cursor does not exist)
Check cursor position of RowSet
If a RowSet acquired without enabling the lock is invoked [Server]: 140039/145039
[Description] (Not locked)
Lock is required
If there is a constraint violation in a column value [Server]: 60079
[Description] (Column constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Array length limit exceeded,
Limit of variable length data type such as string, space, BLOB, etc. exceeded
Time value outside of support range,
Check the error message and correct the column value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for details on the column value.
Failure to delete row
If column corresponding to row key does not exist [Server]: 140024/145024
[Description] (Key cannot be found)
Specified row key does not exist. Check the setting.
If row deletion is specified for a container due for compression [Server]: 60086
[Description] (Operation invalid for compressed container)
A row cannot be deleted in a time series container for which compression has been specified.
Failure to delete row via a RowSet
If row does not exist at target position [Server]: 140037/145037
[Description] (Specified destination of cursor does not exist)
Check cursor position of RowSet
If a RowSet acquired without enabling the lock is invoked [Server]: 140039/145039
[Description] (Not locked)
Lock is required
Failure to commit
 If invoked despite being in the auto commit mode [Server]: 140035/145035
[Description] (Invalid commit mode)
If the logWriteMode value in gs_node.json is "DELAYED_SYNC", perform a log write at the specified interval. Set logWriteMode to "SYNC" when executing a commit explicitly.
Failure to abort
 If invoked despite being in the auto commit mode [Server]: 140035/145035
[Description] (Invalid commit mode)
If the logWriteMode value in gs_node.json is "DELAYED_SYNC", perform a log write at the specified interval. Set logWriteMode to "SYNC" when executing an abort explicitly.
Row registration or update is not reflected
If a row update is registered for a container due for compression container, or a time earlier than the latest registration time is registered. [Trace]
[insert (old time)/update not support on Compression Mode]
Specifications in a time series container due for compression.
Only new rows with a newer time than existing rows with the latest time can be created for time series containers whose compression option has been set. If the time of an existing row having the latest time matches the specified time, the contents of the existing row will be retained without any changes being done.
Failure in search to get row
If column corresponding to row key does not exist [Server]: 140024/145024
[Description] (Key cannot be found)
Specified row key does not exist. Check the setting.
If there is a constraint violation in a key value [Server]: 70002
[Description] (Key constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
String limit exceeded
Time value outside of support range
Check the error message and change the setting so that the key value does not deviate from the constraints of the data type. Set the value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for the value.
If a update lock request is attempted despite being in the auto commit mode [Server]: 140035/145035
[Description] (Invalid commit mode)
If the logWriteMode value in gs_node.json is "DELAYED_SYNC", perform a log write at the specified interval. Set logWriteMode to "SYNC" when requesting for an update lock.
Failure to search and acquire rows of multiple containers together
If the specified container does not exist [Server]: 10016
[Description] (Container cannot be found)
Specified container does not exist. Check the setting.
If there is a constraint violation in a key value [Server]: 70002
[Description] (Key constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
String limit exceeded
Time value outside of support range
Check the error message and change the setting so that the key value does not deviate from the constraints of the data type. Set the value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for the value.
Failure in linear complementation search of rows
If column with corresponding name does not exist.
And, if column with unsupported data type is specified
[Server]: 140008/145008
[Description] (Unknown column name)
Cannot be implemented for containers in which the row key has not been set.
If there is a constraint violation in a key value [Server]: 70002
[Description] (Key constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
String limit exceeded
Time value outside of support range
Check the error message and change the setting so that the key value does not deviate from the constraints of the data type. Set the value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for the value.
Failure to search for row samples
If there is a constraint violation in the unit of the sampling period [Server]: 60151
[Description] (Unit of period is out of the support range)
Unit set must not be YEAR, MONTH, or MILLISECOND.
If there is a constraint violation in the sampling interval [Server]: 70004
[Description] (Sampling interval constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
Interval value is 0 or a negative value
Set a positive value (excluding 0).
If specified column name does not exist [Server]: 140008/145008
[Description] (Unknown column name)
Specified column does not exist. Check the setting.
If there is a constraint violation in a key value [Server]: 70002
[Description] (Key constraint violation)
[Format] Error description below
String limit exceeded
Time value outside of support range
Check the error message and change the setting so that the key value does not deviate from the constraints of the data type. Set the value. See “Data type” under “Overview” in “API reference” for the value.
Failure in the row consolidation function
If an unauthorized column is specified in the specific operation method [Server]: 60100
[Description] (Unauthorized column operation)
Review the calculation formula and change the setting to a column that can be applied. See “Conditional syntax and calculation functions” in “API reference” for the conditions of each calculation.
If specified column name does not exist [Server]: 140008/145008
[Description] (Unknown column name)
Specified column does not exist. Check the setting.
/dataStore/resultSetMemoryLimit in gs_node.json file: memory upper limit size of search result (ResultSet). Default value is 10240 MB. Unit is MB by default
/transaction/totalMemoryLimit in gs_node.json file: upper limit size of the empty memory maintained by the transaction process memory pool. Default value is 1024 MB. Unit is MB by default
In future, this parameter may be deleted or its name may be changed.