$ git clone https://github.com/retowyss/swisslos-r-griddb.git
スイスの国営宝くじ「Swisslos」の約7年分の抽選結果(n = 720, start = 2013-01-12, end = 2019-12-04)を、統計プログラミング言語Rを用いて分析し、データの保存にはGridDBを使用しています。
# Required packages RJDBC and tidyverse
# griddb is the connection object to our GridDB
drv <- JDBC(
driverClass = "com.toshiba.mwcloud.gs.sql.Driver",
# Point this to your gridstore jar
classPath = "/jdbc/bin/gridstore-jdbc.jar"
# IP and port depend on your setup
griddb <- dbConnect(
# vectorized insert function
dbInsertTable <- function(conn, name, df, append = TRUE) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
dbWriteTable(conn, name, df[i, ], append = append)
dbSendUpdate(griddb, paste(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swisslos_jackpots",
"(date STRING, jackpot INTEGER);"
dbInsertTable(griddb, "swisslos_jackpots", read_csv("data/swisslos_jackpots.csv"))
dbSendUpdate(griddb, paste(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swisslos_payouts",
"(combination STRING, winners INTEGER, prize FLOAT, date STRING);"
dbInsertTable(griddb, "swisslos_payouts", read_csv("data/swisslos_payouts.csv"))
dbSendUpdate(griddb, paste(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swisslos_numbers",
"(type STRING, number INTEGER, date STRING);"
dbInsertTable(griddb, "swisslos_numbers", read_csv("data/swisslos_numbers.csv"))
## [1] "swisslos_jackpots" "swisslos_numbers" "swisslos_payouts"
ジャックポットのサイズ (swisslos_jackpots)
- 日付
- ジャックポット:6+1の最大支払い額 (CHF)
描画された数字 (swisslos_numbers)
- 種類 (normal, lucky, replay)
- 番号
- 日付
正解したカテゴリごとのペイアウト (swisslos_payouts)
- 組み合わせ:ノーマル+ラッキー (例:3+1⇒3つのレギュラー正解と1つのラッキーナンバー正解)
- 当選者数:当選したチケットの枚数
- 賞金:当選者一人あたりの支払い額 (CHF)
- 日付
# stringr::str_interp is a handy function to parameterize SQL queries from R
# just be careful; SQL injections happen.
show_date <- function(conn, table, date = "2013-02-13") {
dbGetQuery(conn, str_interp("SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE date = '${date}';"))
#only show swisslos_ tables
map(keep(dbListTables(griddb), ~ str_detect(., "swisslos_")), ~ show_date(griddb, .))
## [[1]]
## date jackpot
## 1 2013-02-13 8600000
## [[2]]
## type number date
## 1 normal 13 2013-02-13
## 2 normal 21 2013-02-13
## 3 normal 25 2013-02-13
## 4 normal 26 2013-02-13
## 5 normal 32 2013-02-13
## 6 normal 40 2013-02-13
## 7 lucky 1 2013-02-13
## 8 replay 13 2013-02-13
## [[3]]
## combination winners prize date
## 1 6 + 1 0 0.00 2013-02-13
## 2 6 0 0.00 2013-02-13
## 3 5 + 1 6 7570.15 2013-02-13
## 4 5 36 1000.00 2013-02-13
## 5 4 + 1 283 208.90 2013-02-13
## 6 4 1690 87.35 2013-02-13
## 7 3 + 1 4681 31.85 2013-02-13
## 8 3 28264 10.55 2013-02-13
Swisslosをプレイするには、1〜42の6つの数字と、1〜6の ラッキーナンバー を1つ選びます。
regular_numbers <- 42
regular_draws <- 6
lucky_numbers <- 6
lucky_draws <- 1
可能な組み合わせの数は、次のように計算できます。 もちろん ラッキーナンバー は、組み合わせの数を6倍に増やします。
# Binomial coefficient function
# Bin(a, b)
bin <- function(a, b) {
map2_dbl(a, b, function(.a, .b) {
if (.b == 0 | .a == .b) {
} else {
.c <- .a - .b + 1
prod(.c:.a) / prod(1:.b)
# 42 choose 6
swisslos_regular_combos <- bin(regular_numbers, regular_draws)
42から6を選ぶ方法は5245786通りあり、ラッキーナンバー を加えると31474716通りの組み合わせがあります。同様に 3, 4, 5 の組み合わせも、ラッキーナンバーの有無にかかわらず計算できます。つまり、確率を計算することができるのです。
# probability to get n correct
swisslos_prob <- function(n) {
n_match <- bin(regular_draws, n)
n_miss <- bin(regular_numbers - regular_draws, regular_draws - n)
n_miss * n_match / swisslos_regular_combos
# We can check correctness with sum(swisslos_prob(0:6)) == 1, which yield true
tibble(n_correct = 0:6) %>%
prob_base = swisslos_prob(n_correct),
prob_lucky = prob_base / 6,
prob_not_lucky = prob_base - prob_lucky
) %>%
knitr::kable(digits = 8)
th, td { text-align: left; padding: 16px; }
tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2 }
n_correct | prob_base | prob_lucky | prob_not_lucky |
0 | 0.37130603 | 0.06188434 | 0.30942170 |
1 | 0.43119411 | 0.07186568 | 0.35932842 |
2 | 0.16843520 | 0.02807253 | 0.14036266 |
3 | 0.02722185 | 0.00453698 | 0.02268488 |
4 | 0.00180145 | 0.00030024 | 0.00150120 |
5 | 0.00004118 | 0.00000686 | 0.00003431 |
6 | 0.00000019 | 0.00000003 | 0.00000016 |
# To retrieve the data from GridDB we type a SQL query
# Computing the result with SQL makes it unnecessary to pull the entire table
# into R
# paste makes it easy to type long SQL and break it up into multiple lines
# we make n a parameter because you could use 4 instead of 3 but 3 gets greater
# counts so we will stick with that
get_n_correct <- function(conn, n) {
q <- paste(
"SELECT SUM(winners) AS winners, date",
"FROM swisslos_payouts",
"WHERE combination = '${n}' OR combination = '${n} + 1'",
"GROUP BY date",
"ORDER BY date;"
dbGetQuery(conn, str_interp(q))
three_correct <- get_n_correct(griddb, 3) %>%
mutate(tickets_played = winners / swisslos_prob(3)) %>%
three_correct %>% head(5)
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## winners date tickets_played
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 60705 2013-01-12 2230010.
## 2 33745 2013-01-16 1239629.
## 3 43457 2013-01-19 1596401.
## 4 35013 2013-01-23 1286209.
## 5 48120 2013-01-26 1767698.
three_correct %>%
ggplot(aes(x = lubridate::as_date(date), y = tickets_played)) +
# You can test your SQL here, but because we need to get the entire
# swisslos_jackpots table, we might just as well join it in R
three_correct_jp <- three_correct %>%
left_join(dbGetQuery(griddb, "SELECT * FROM swisslos_jackpots;"), by = "date")
three_correct_jp %>%
ggplot(aes(x = tickets_played, y = jackpot)) +
cor.test(three_correct_jp$tickets_played, three_correct_jp$jackpot)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: three_correct_jp$tickets_played and three_correct_jp$jackpot
## t = 33.147, df = 718, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.7470597 0.8050008
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.7776764
ラッキーナンバー のない6つの組合せのうち、3つの組合せの当選回数を ラッキーナンバー が当たった組合せの回数と比較します。データセットから正しい ラッキーナンバー が得られるので、各 ラッキーナンバー について、たくさんの推定量が得られ、ボックスプロットで表示することが出来ます。
# Again, when writing straight SQL which is required for GridDB at the moment,
# we want to make it as easy as possible for ourselves.
# break SQL down into easy to understand snippets and combine
# I think it's a good idea to avoid nested str_interp and only use them
# for R computation
get_n_lucky <- function(conn, n) {
# Add lucky and regular winners for n
q_combined_counts <- paste(
"SELECT SUM(winners) AS winners, date",
"FROM swisslos_payouts",
"WHERE combination = '${n}' OR combination = '${n} + 1'",
"GROUP BY date"
# Only get lucky
q_lucky_counts <- paste(
"SELECT winners AS lucky, date",
"FROM swisslos_payouts",
"WHERE combination = '${n} + 1'"
# Combine lucky and regular counts
q_lucky_and_regular_counts <- paste(
"SELECT a.winners AS winners_count, b.lucky AS lucky_count, a.date AS date",
"FROM (", q_combined_counts, ") a",
"LEFT JOIN (", q_lucky_counts, ") b",
"ON a.date = b.date",
"ORDER BY a.date"
# Retrive lucky numbers
q_lucky_numbers <- paste(
"SELECT number AS lucky_number, date AS date",
"FROM swisslos_numbers",
"WHERE type = 'lucky'"
# Build the final query
q_final <- paste(
"SELECT winners_count, lucky_count, lucky_number, c.date AS date",
"FROM (", q_lucky_and_regular_counts, ") c",
"LEFT JOIN (", q_lucky_numbers, ") d",
"ON c.date = d.date"
# Print the query if you want to know why building it up this way makes
# a lot of sense
dbGetQuery(conn, str_interp(q_final))
lucky_counts <- get_n_lucky(griddb, 3) %>%
mutate(lucky_p = lucky_count / winners_count)
head(lucky_counts, n = 5)
## winners_count lucky_count lucky_number date lucky_p
## 1 60705 9174 4 2013-01-12 0.1511243
## 2 33745 5005 4 2013-01-16 0.1483183
## 3 43457 5810 6 2013-01-19 0.1336954
## 4 35013 6326 2 2013-01-23 0.1806757
## 5 48120 10718 3 2013-01-26 0.2227348
lucky_counts %>%
ggplot(aes(x = factor(lucky_number), y = lucky_p, group = lucky_number)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1/6)
スイス人は ラッキーナンバー として 3 を好み、1 を嫌うのは明らかです。
# We can do all of this directly on our GridDB
# After we calculate the bias using the empirical frequencies and our
# swisslos_prob function, we combine the table with the numbers table and
# then we calculate the average bias for each number
get_3_and_4 <- function(conn) {
# Three correct
q_3 <- paste(
"SELECT SUM(winners) AS w_3, date",
"FROM swisslos_payouts",
"WHERE combination = '3' OR combination = '3 + 1'",
"GROUP BY date"
# Four correct
q_4 <- paste(
"SELECT SUM(winners) AS w_4, date",
"FROM swisslos_payouts",
"WHERE combination = '4' OR combination = '4 + 1'",
"GROUP BY date"
# Combine the three counts and four counts tables
q_w <- paste(
"SELECT w_3, w_4, c.date AS date",
"FROM (", q_3, ") c",
"LEFT JOIN (", q_4, ") d",
"ON c.date = d.date"
q_numbers <- paste(
"SELECT number, date",
"FROM swisslos_numbers",
"WHERE type = 'normal'"
q_combine <- paste(
"SELECT w_3 / w_4 - ${swisslos_prob(3) / swisslos_prob(4)} AS bias,",
"number, a.date AS date",
"FROM (", q_w, ") a",
"LEFT JOIN (", q_numbers, ") b",
"ON a.date = b.date"
q_final <- paste(
"SELECT number, AVG(bias) AS bias",
"FROM (", q_combine, ") e",
"GROUP BY number"
dbGetQuery(conn, str_interp(q_final))
hacky <- get_3_and_4(griddb)
## number bias
## 1 1 -0.4834515
## 2 2 -0.1532164
## 3 3 -0.4042146
## 4 4 -0.2777778
## 5 5 -0.3198068
## 6 6 -0.4269006
# Centering and negating bias to make it look prettier
ggplot(hacky, aes(x = factor(number), y = -(bias - mean(bias)), fill = -bias)) + geom_col() +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
## [1] TRUE
ブログの内容について疑問や質問がある場合は Q&A サイトである Stack Overflow に質問を投稿しましょう。 GridDB 開発者やエンジニアから速やかな回答が得られるようにするためにも "griddb" タグをつけることをお忘れなく。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=griddb