Soccer Players Recommendation System Using Machine Learning, Python, and GridDB

The soccer business is a multi-billion dollar industry combining high-performing athletes, passionate fans, and big sponsorship deals. Team owners and managers around the globe are always looking for an edge to find the best talent that can add to the winning soccer to their team. Using machine learning to help team managers find a balanced, talented team is a perfect combination of technology and data to add value to a business.

This article will cover recommendation system models to help managers find talent and upcoming players based on their performance and soccer league data. The objective is to use the recommendation system as a monitoring and prospecting tool to find innovative, high-performing soccer players. In this article, we propose a recommendation system model to recommend soccer players given their soccer matches data using Python and GridDB.

Please download the source code from here:

$ git clone --branch soccer

Setting up your environment

To implement the recommendation system described in this article, we begin by configuring your machine’s environment to execute the Python code properly. Below are some of the prerequisites that must be met in your environment:

  • GridDB: GridDB is our database that stores the data used in the recommendation system model.
  • Python 3.11.2: The latest version of Python 3.11.2 is used in our solution.
  • Jupyter Notebook: Jupyter Notebook is an integrated development environment (IDE) to run our Python code.

If you need to install any missing packages, you can do so through the command line by typing the following:

pip install package-name

In addition, if you are utilizing GridDB, you will need to acquire these extra libraries:

  1. GridDB C-client
  2. GridDB Python Client

Finally, we are missing GridDB Python Client Library in our situation. Here’s how we use the pip command to install the missing library in the Jupyter terminal:

pip install griddb-python

We may now explore our dataset after successfully installing and configuring our environment.

Introduction to the dataset

The dataset used in this article contains 416 rows and 17 columns. The dataset comprises attributes defining soccer players in terms of their role and historical accomplishments. These attributes consider the current market value, field position, and points scored.

The following is the list of the features that are found in our dataset:

  • Name: Player name in a text value.
  • Club: Club name in a text value.
  • Age: Player age in numerical value.
  • Position: Player position in the field in a text value.
  • Position Category: A categorical variable representing the player’s field position.
  • Market Value: Player market price in numerical value.
  • Page Views: The number of Wikipedia page views is calculated as a daily average.
  • Fantasy League Value: Player Fantasy League Price in numerical value.
  • Fantasy League Selection: Player Fantasy League Selection in numerical value.
  • Fantasy League Points: Player Fantasy League Points in numerical value.
  • Region: A categorical variable representing the region of the player.
  • Nationality: A text value that represents the nationality of the player.
  • New Foreign: A boolean value to indicate if the players signed up with a foreign club newly.
  • Age Category: The age group of the player.
  • Club ID: A numerical value that represents a club identifier.
  • Big Club: A boolean value to indicate if the players signed up with a big club or not.
  • New Signing: A boolean value to tell if the players signed up with a club newly.

The dataset was extracted from the English Premier League Players Dataset. The table below is the first three rows of this dataset:


Importing the necessary libraries

In this article, we will be using multiple Python modules that we will import according to their usage to build our recommendation system:

  • Python libraries used to read and preprocess the dataset:
  import numpy as np 
  import pandas as pd
  • Python libraries are used to explore the dataset using graphs and plots:
  import seaborn as sns
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Python libraries used to build the recommendation system model:
  from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
  from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
  from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
  • Python library used to connect to a GridDB cluster:
  import griddb_python as griddb

After successfully importing the required libraries, we begin with reading our English Premier League Players Dataset.

Loading the Dataset

GridDB plays a significant role in creating our recommendation system as it is the data storage mechanism we will use to store our dataset. To successfully store the data, we will first load the GridDB container. This can be done using the griddb_python library we installed earlier. Next, we will use container.put to insert the data using a loop. Once done, we must load the data back into a data frame to continue creating our recommendation system.

The code described in this section can be written as follows:

factory = griddb.StoreFactory.get_instance()

# Provide the necessary arguments
gridstore = factory.get_store(
    notification_member = '',
    cluster_name = 'myCluster',
    username = 'admin',
    password = 'admin'

# Define the container info
conInfo = griddb.ContainerInfo(
        ["name", griddb.Type.STRING],
        ["club", griddb.Type.STRING],
        ["age", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["position", griddb.Type.STRING],
        ["position_cat", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["market_value", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["page_views", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["fpl_value", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["fpl_sel", griddb.Type.STRING],
        ["fpl_points", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["region", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["nationality", griddb.Type.STRING],
        ["new_foreign", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["age_cat", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["club_id", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["big_club", griddb.Type.DOUBLE],
        ["new_signing", griddb.Type.DOUBLE]
    griddb.ContainerType.COLLECTION, True

# Drop container if it exists

# Create a container
container = gridstore.put_container(conInfo)

# Load the data

# Put rows
for i in range(len(data)):
  row = data.iloc[i].tolist()
  except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error on row {i}: {row}")

cont = gridstore.get_container("football_players")

if cont is None:
  print("Does not exist")

print("connection successful")

# Define the exact columns you need
columns = ["*"]

select_statement = "SELECT " + ", ".join(columns) + " FROM football_players"

# Execute the query
query = container.query(select_statement)
rs = query.fetch(False)

data = rs.fetch_rows()


Exploratory Data Analysis

Before we build our recommendation system, we must begin with an exploratory data analysis that will allow us to find any inconsistencies in our data and overall visualization of the dataset.
First, we begin by checking for any null values in our attributes. This is achieved with the following lines of code:


This cell outputs the following results, indicating that we have one missing value for the region attribute:

name            0
club            0
age             0
position        0
position_cat    0
market_value    0
page_views      0
fpl_value       0
fpl_sel         0
fpl_points      0
region          1
nationality     0
new_foreign     0
age_cat         0
club_id         0
big_club        0
new_signing     0
dtype: int64

To clean up our missing value, we can use the built-in method dropna(). This method returns the newly cleaned dataset to replace the old unclean one.

This is achieved with the following code:

data = data.dropna()

Now that we have replaced all missing values, we can move to visualize our data. The first step to graph our data is to compute the correlation matrix representing the different attributes that can be used to predict others using the corr() method. This is very useful as it shows what data points can be used to recommend a player and how every player is measured in terms of the attributes presented in our dataset.

This is achieved with the following code:

sample = data.select_dtypes(include='number')
corr = sample.corr()
mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype = np.bool_)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
sns.heatmap(corr, mask=mask)

The graph we came up with in this section is a heatmap that takes the X and Y axes’ attributes and measures correlation in a predetermined scale. The following is our heatmap:


Recommendation System

In this section, we design and prepare our recommendation system model. For this purpose, we begin by converting our data points to numerical values using a standard scaler. Next, we run the Nearest Neighbors model that will be used as our recommendation system algorithm. The model will take as input our numerical data and will be used to find comparable players that are close in characteristics to our input.

This is achieved with the following code:

scaled = StandardScaler()
X = scaled.fit_transform(sample)
recommendations = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors = 5, algorithm='kd_tree')
player_index = recommendations.kneighbors(X)[1]

We have prepared our model and must create a method to find the player’s index in our dataset based on a given name. This is very useful as it will allow us to use the results of the recommendation system to extract the recommended player attributes.

This is achieved with the following code:

def find_index(x):
    return data[data['name']==x].index.tolist()[0]

The last step is to create a method using our model to extract the player’s information. In other words, we must extract key values describing the recommended players for every player. Our example mainly focuses on the player’s name, market value, age, and current club.

This is achieved with the following code:

def recommendation_system(player):
    print("Here are four players who are similar to {}: ".format(player))
    index =  find_index(player)
    for i in player_index[index][1:]:
        print("Player Name: {}\nPlayer Market Value: €{}\nPlayer Age: {}\nPlayer Current Club: {}\n".format(

Model Evaluation

At this moment, we are ready to evaluate our model. In this example, we will run our recommendation system that inputs a player name and recommends four key players comparable to the player inputter.

This code can be achieved as follow:

recommendation_system('Petr Cech')

The results of our mode are as follows:

Here are four players who are similar to Petr Cech: 
Player Name: Willy Caballero
Player Market Value: €1.5
Player Age: 35
Player Current Club: Chelsea

Player Name: Nacho Monreal
Player Market Value: €13.0
Player Age: 31
Player Current Club: Arsenal

Player Name: Laurent Koscielny
Player Market Value: €22.0
Player Age: 31
Player Current Club: Arsenal

Player Name: Artur Boruc
Player Market Value: €1.0
Player Age: 37
Player Current Club: Bournemouth

As we can see, the recommendation system was able to predict with high accurse five players that are very close to our input players. This proves that our model is ready for deployment and can be used to predict future talent based on a current player.


Using a recommendation system to create a list of prospects in the business of professional atheism is a competitive advantage any team manager should consider. The article covered the step-by-step process of creating a recommendation model using English Premier League Players. GridDB was extensively used in the article as a database storage for our dataset. This database stores trained data, and it is used to call our recommendation system to recommend players based on their peers.

If you have any questions about the blog, please create a Stack Overflow post here .
Make sure that you use the “griddb” tag so our engineers can quickly reply to your questions.

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