GridDB 4.2 Community Edition Released

GridDB 4.2 Community Edition (CE) was released May 23, 2019 with several new features.

C Client for Windows

Using Microsoft Visual Studio, you can now build the C Client library on Windows. Download the source from GitHub here and then add the folder with the client.sln to Visual Studio. Building the project will create gridstore_c.dll, gridstore_c.lib, and the sample executables. We’ll have a full blog post on how to build and test the GridDB C client on Windows soon.

Designating application names

To ease debugging, you can specify the applicationName in the connection property which will be output with associated events in the event logs. This allows developers to see which applications or which client hosts are generating errors from a centralized file.

Controlling buffers for search

To eliminate performance degradation caused by swap outs of query data, the amount of buffer used has been refined to control the amount of memory used during query reads. This will result in more stable performance when system memory utilization is near or above 100%.

As with previous releases of GridDB Community Edition, you can install it via source, RPM, or DEB.

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