5.1.19 Multi-Put


This section describes Multi-put, a method of registering batches of data at one time. It is described further in the GridDB Technical Reference.

Batch Processing

When data is sent or received in a one by one manner it is possible to reach the upper limit of network bandwidth and throughput will peak, the following GridDB API's offer a solution to this problem with methods to work with large sets of data in an efficient manner:
  • Multi-put
  • Multi-get
  • Multi-query

Create Row for registration

List.1 Create Row of WeatherStation(MultiPut.java)
private static Row createWeatherStationRow(GridStore store, String id, String name,
		double latitude, double longitude, boolean hasCamera) throws GSException {
// Create WeatherStation Row
ContainerInfo wsContainerInfo = store.getContainerInfo("weather_station");
Row wsRow = store.createRow(wsContainerInfo);

// Set by specifying the index of the order of definition of the WeatherStation class
// ID
wsRow.setString(0, id);
// Name
wsRow.setString(1, name);
// Latitude
wsRow.setDouble(2, latitude);
// Longitude
wsRow.setDouble(3, longitude);
// hasCamera
wsRow.setBool(4, hasCamera);

return wsRow;
List.2 Create Row of Intrument Log(MultiPut.java)
private static Row createIntrumentLogRow(GridStore store, Date timestamp, String weatherStationId,
		float temperture, Blob liveImage)
		throws GSException, ParseException, SerialException, SQLException {
// Create IntrumentLogRow Row
ContainerInfo logContainerInfo = store.getContainerInfo("weather_station_99");
Row logRow = store.createRow(logContainerInfo);

// Set by specifying the index of the order of definition of the InstrumentLog class
// Timestamp
logRow.setTimestamp(0, timestamp);
// ID of WeatherStation
logRow.setString(1, weatherStationId);
// Temperture
logRow.setFloat(2, temperture);
// Live Image data
logRow.setBlob(3, liveImage);

return logRow;

Multi-Put execution

List.3 Multi-Put execution(MultiPut.java)
// Create Connection
store = gridLogic.createGridStore();

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm", Locale.US);

// multiput Rows
Map<String, List<Row>> containerRowsMap = new HashMap<>();

// Create WeatherStation Row
Row wsRow =
		createWeatherStationRow(store, "99", "new WeaterStation", 45.26, 75.42, true);

// Add multiput value
List<Row> wsRowList = new ArrayList<>();
containerRowsMap.put("weather_station", wsRowList);

// Create InstrumentLog Container and Row
store.putTimeSeries("weather_station_99", InstrumentLog.class);

// Create WeatherStation Row
Row logRow = createIntrumentLogRow(store, format.parse("2016/07/03 12:00:00"),
		"weather_station_99", 40.5f,
		new SerialBlob(new byte[] {0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15}));

// Add multiput value
List<Row> logRowList = new ArrayList<>();
containerRowsMap.put("weather_station_99", logRowList);

// Register by multiput

Result of Multi-Get execution

List.4 Obtain of Multi-Put results(WeatherStation)(MultiPut.java)
System.out.println("#####  WeatherStation:");
// Get WeatherStation
Collection<String, WeatherStation> weatherStationCol =
		store.getCollection("weather_station", WeatherStation.class);
WeatherStation weatherStation = weatherStationCol.get(rowKey);

System.out.println(String.format("%-3s\t%-20s\t%-10s\t%-10s\t%-5s", weatherStation.id,
		weatherStation.name, weatherStation.latitude, weatherStation.longitude,
List.5 Result of Multi-Get execution(WeatherStation)
#####  WeatherStation:
ID      Name                    Longitude       Latitude        Camera
99      new WeatherStation       45.26           75.42           true
List.6 Obtain of Multi-Put results(InstrumentLog)(MultiPut.java)
System.out.println("#####  InstrumentLog:");
System.out.println("Timestamp\t\t\tWeatherStation ID\tTemperture");
TimeSeries<InstrumentLog> logTs =
		store.getTimeSeries("weather_station_99", InstrumentLog.class);
InstrumentLog log = logTs.get(rowKey);
// Make a displayable byte string
String byteText = InstrumentLogLogic.makeByteString(log.liveImage);

System.out.println(String.format("%s\t%-20s\t%-10s\t%s", log.timestamp,
		log.weatherStationId, log.temperture, byteText));
List.7 Result of Multi-Get execution(InstrumentLog)
#####  InstrumentLog:
Timestamp                       WeatherStation ID       Temperature      Live Image
Sun Jul 03 12:00:00 EDT 2016    weather_station_99      40.5       

Source Code

Complete source code used in this sample can be downloaded from the following.
