5.1.6 Schema definition


This chapter describes the schema definition and data types.

Schema definition

Data of the measuring instruments and instrument log that will be handled in this sample application are defined in the container as follows.

Table.1 Container Information

Data Container type Quantity Container name Row key
Measuring instrument Collection 1 weather_station Instrument ID
Instrument log TimeSeries Container 1 per instrument weather_station_
Logging date and time

One collection will be created with rows corresponding to different measuring instruments..
One TimeSeries container will be created as the instrument log for each measuring instrument.
The instrument ID to will be included in the instrument log's container name.

There are two ways to use Container in your programs.
One is to pre-define the class statically which represents a row of the container.
The other is to create a Container dynamically without preparing the pre-defined class.
Here we describe only the static method, so please refer to Meta-information for more details about dynamic method.

List.1 Measuring instrument class(WeatherStation.java)
package sample.row;

import com.toshiba.mwcloud.gs.RowKey;

* Class that represents the definition of the schema.
public class WeatherStation {
    * ID of WeatherStation
    public String id;

    * Name of WeatherStation
    public String name;

    * Installation Latitude
    public double latitude;

    * Installation Longitude
    public double longitude;

    * Camera exists or not
    public boolean hasCamera;
  • L.12: The @RowKey annotates the field to be used as a row key.

List.2 Instrument log class(InstrumentLog.java)
package sample.row;

import java.sql.Blob;
import java.util.Date;

import com.toshiba.mwcloud.gs.RowKey;

* Class that represents the definition of the Row of Instrument log.
public class InstrumentLog {
    * Timestamp of log
    public Date timestamp;

    * ID of Weather Station
    public String weatherStationId;

    * Temperature of the measurement result
    public float temperture;

    * Image data obtained by photographing the sky
    public Blob liveImage;
  • L.15: The @RowKey annotates the field to be used as a row key.

Column Data Types

The following types of data can be used in a GridDB column.

Table.2 Available column type

Column Type Type in Program Description
BOOL boolean or Boolean TRUE or FALSE.
STRING String Zero or more Unicode characters excluding the NULL character (U+0000).
BYTE Byte or byte Integer value in the following range.(-27 to 27-1)
SHORT Short or short Integer value in the following range.(-215 to 215-1)
INTEGER Integer or int Integer value in the following range.(-231 to 231-1)
LONG Long or long Integer value in the following range.(-263 to 263-1)
FLOAT Float or float Single-precision floating point number.
DOUBLE Double or double Double-precision floating point number.
TIMESTAMP java.util.Date Combination of a date and time consisting of year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
BLOB java.sql.Blob Binary data.

All types except BLOB can be stored as an array.

This chapter demonstrated how to define a schema and use it in your GridDB applications.
Please refer to the GridDB Programming Tutorial for more details on schema definitions.

Complete source code

The complete source code used in this sample can be downloaded from the following:

Download: container-schema.zip