Build and Run Components

This project has been tested on CentOS 7 with Google Chrome as well as Firefox

  • The Python version v2.7.5
  • Python-Bokeh version was 0.12.7
  • GCC version 4.8.5
  • GridDB version 3.0.1 on Community Edition

Data Generating Client

Once you have successfully installed the GridDB C client onto your system, you can begin by running the Data Generating Client. This client will both generate and insert all the data it creates into GridDB so the Visualisation component can fetch and plot it to the web frontend. For both the Data Generating Client and the Data Visualisation component, ensure that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set to the /bin directory of your C client. From there, to execute the client execute:

$ cd client_files
$ make
$ ./

If for any reason, there are errors running the launch_clients script, use the script in order to reset or wipe the database of all the containers in GridDB that were created by the

$ ./

Data Visualisation Component

The data visualisation component acts as a web server that can create and update webpages in real time. It makes use of the Python client and the data generated by the Data Generating Client to create the datasets needed to create the graphs. In order to start the server application on localhost, execute these commands:

$ cd data_visualisations
$ python

From there open a browser and type localhost:5006 into the address bar. Once the webpage loads, you will see streaming and historical data for a coffee store and coffee machine data from GridDB that was generated by the GridDB.

Source Code

You can download the application and its source code for the data generating client and data visualisation component from the link below:

Download: datavisualisation_application.tar.gz